Meet Our Member: Trisha Smith

What company do you work for, what is your role, and how long have you been there?

CenterSpoke PR, Owner/President, 2 years.

How did you get into marketing?

I'm one of those rare individuals who is actually doing what they studied in college. While I've always had a specialization in public relations/communication, I gained my greatest experience to the larger field of marketing while working in the marketing department of the General Electric sealants/caulking (consumer-facing) business unit for 7-plus years.

What big wins have you had in your marketing role?

One of my biggest wins was developing the idea for a limited-time new product for the local franchises of a national QSR chain. The product was part of a marketing campaign I designed to reach a targeted audience and break through all the clutter and competitive offers on one of the "made-up" national celebration days. Cut through the clutter it did - it was all the buzz for the "holiday" ... and longer. Not only did it garner local media and social media attention, but also national media attention in top-tier publications. The QSR chain subsequently commercialized the product and now sells it nationally. Most recently, CenterSpoke had the honor of leading the entire marketing campaign and event planning for Charlotte Mechanical’s ninth annual Charlotte Coat Drive. Charlotte Mechanical enlists the help of local businesses (“barrel partners”) to collect new or gently coats that are distributed through Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte’s various programs. They set a goal of 5,000 coats, which was DOUBLE their record of 2,500 over the past eight years.The result: we collected 5,174 coats in 2019! This cause was more than a client to us; it really became a part of our heart.

In what ways has membership in AMA Charlotte benefited you professionally?

I have met some truly amazing marketing minds in our chapter through volunteering on the membership committee and attending a variety of events. The board and members have exposed me to new connections, new ideas and new tools. With marketing being an ever-changing field, it's imperative to surround yourself with others who stay on top of the trends.

What excites you about the field of marketing today?

You have absolute assurance that you'll never get bored! There will ALWAYS be something new or evolving ... an opportunity to embrace or a challenge to solve.

What is your all-time favorite marketing campaign? Why?

The “Got Milk?” campaign: It was powerful, creative, effective and had such staying power. Plus it covered such a cross-section of people, both with the celebrities who participated and the audiences it reached; few (if any) other campaigns have been able to influence so many different types of people. I would call it fairly unmatched.

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AMA Charlotte Receives National Recognition in AMA’s 2018-2019 Chapter Excellence Awards

2018-2019 AMA Charlotte Board

2018-2019 AMA Charlotte Board

It’s my pleasure to announce that AMA Charlotte has been named among the top chapters in the nation for our performance in this past year, with recognition in four of the five possible categories! 

Established in 1974, the Chapter Excellence Awards (CEA) program rewards outstanding achievements in leadership, finance, membership, programming, and communications among AMA’s 75 professional chapters across the U.S. and Canada.  

For 2018-2019, AMA Charlotte has been selected as one of the top 7 chapters in Finance and Communications (Excellence) and one of the top 10 chapters in Leadership and Programming (Special Merit). Entries are judged by a panel of past presidents from award-winning chapters and members of the AMA Professional Chapters Council.  

We are so proud to have our chapter recognized at the national level for the passion and commitment our volunteers put forth every day to deliver valuable experiences for our members and the Charlotte marketing community. 
We have much to be proud of from this year, but let’s share a few highlights:

  • Achieved our highest revenue in 12 years and a record level of sponsorship which allowed us to invest back into programming and creating member value

  • Hosted 29 events for 1,000+ total attendees

  • Received a 91% average satisfaction score from event attendees

  • Delivered exclusive member programming and showcased members through the “Meet our Members” social campaign

  • Developed 3 original content pieces per month 

  • Increased LinkedIn followers by 37%  

  • Engaged nearly 50 volunteers with an 80% satisfaction score 

“This remarkable achievement makes me think of the African proverb, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together,” says Anna Vordermark, current AMA Charlotte president.  “While these awards span four functions, they represent countless cross-functional and team-based initiatives that highlight the strengths of our board members, 45+ volunteers and our strategic partners.”

The AMA Charlotte board for 2018 – 2019 included Sara Beaty as President, Anna Vordermark as President Elect and VP of Finance, Davis Hunt as Secretary, Daniel Boyce as VP of Sponsorship, Daniel Bliley as VP of Communications, Kim Button as VP of Membership, Stephen Lackey as Co-VP of Programming (Content), Adam Raimond as Co-VP of Programming (Event Experience), and Cindy Fox as VP of Engagement. 

From all of us on the AMA Charlotte board, thank you to all current and past members, volunteers, board members, leaders, sponsors, partners and speakers. You have all contributed to our chapter’s success! 

As you read this, we hope you’re starting to see the light that’s shining bright around AMA in the Charlotte community! Winning a CEA means that our members in Charlotte have access to some of the best AMA programming and networking opportunities across the nation. 

If you’re considering ways to get more out of your AMA membership, there are many options to get involved, whether it’s by volunteering, speaking or sponsoring!  Feel free to reach out to me directly at or connect with the board member for your particular area of interest.

If you are not an AMA member, but want to explore the many benefits our award-winning chapter offers, visit or contact for more info. 

Meet Our Member: Blair Primis

What company do you work for, what is your role, and how long have you been there?

OrthoCarolina, SVP Marketing & Talent Management, 10 years.

How did you get into marketing?

My first job out of college was at an advertising agency.

What big win(s) have you had in your marketing role?

Building a brand here at OrthoCarolina and developing a new vision for marketing success.

How has Membership in AMA Charlotte Benefited you Professionally?

The vast networking opportunities and development/learning opportunities..

What excites you about the field of marketing today?

So many things really, but voice search and hyper-local opportunities.

What is your all-time favorite marketing campaign? Why?

In my perspective, Dos Equis’ “The Most Interesting Man in the World” effort was terrific.

Who is your marketing idol?

Simon Sinek and Scott Bedbury.

in terms of professional development, what area of marketing would you like to explore / learn more about?

Building and developing team culture and top talent.

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Meet Our Member: Jonathan DeBlanco

What company do you work for, what is your role, and how long have you been there?

Liberty Mutual Insurance, eBusiness Development Manager, 7 years.

How did you get into marketing?

Always been a passion of mine. Turning an imaginative thought into reality is exhilarating!

What big wins have you had in your marketing role?

1. Creating a robust email marketing program for MetLife in under 2 years.

2. The first one to test out pixel retargeting within email at MetLife.

3. Creating marketing campaigns around sports events that create excitement with our customers and creates opportunities for our sales agent. (Liberty Mutual)

4. Buy in from senior leadership that creating a digital footprint for local sales agents is critical as we enter into a new decade. (Liberty Mutual).

What excites you about the field of marketing today?

Technology and teaching others how to market themselves digitally.

What is your all-time favorite marketing campaign? Why?

The 1990s VW commercial with the two guys who pick up the smelly couch and then dump it off.

in terms of professional development, what area of marketing would you like to explore / learn more about?

SEO, organic search, technology, understanding data.

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Alphabet Bash Recap: Brand Leaders Discuss How to Prepare for the 2020 Republican National Convention

Alphabet Bash Recap: Brand Leaders Discuss How to Prepare for the 2020 Republican National Convention

With the Republican National Convention (August 2020) just 10 months away, Charlotte is readying itself for the international attention, upwards of 50,000 visitors and an estimated $121 million impact hosting the convention will bring to the city and its brands. The Charlotte AMA hosted a night of networking, fun, and a panel discussion from area brand leaders on what their organizations are doing to prepare for the spotlight.